“The Church, and society as a whole, has come to realize how urgently we need what Saint Pope John Paul II called the “prophetic charism” of women as bearers of love, teachers of mercy and artisans of peace, bringing warmth and humanity to a world that all too often judges the value of a person by the cold criteria of usefulness and profit.” – Pope Benedict XVI.
Mission: Christ the King Women’s Ministry supports the parish mission in service by practicing the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.
Membership: Hi! We, the current members of Christ the King Women’s Ministry (WM), invite you to share in the support and friendship we experience in Women’s Ministry. As a female over 18 years of age and as a member of Christ the King Parish – Belton, you are eligible to join and, honestly, our group isn’t complete without YOU!
Membership Requirements: (current membership dues: $20 annually)
All adult women in our parish are eligible for membership in this organization. An active member pays annual dues and participates in meetings and activities. An honorary member is a senior over 80 years of age whose dues are waived. All active and honorary members are eligible to vote. Annual dues shall be determined by the Executive Board on an annual basis with approval of a majority vote of the members in attendance at the May general meeting. Dues are payable by September 30 of each year.
Download our Membership Form here: WM Membership Form
Activities of Women's Ministry: